
Presentation Software Video - Tracking EMG Forces platforms MicroStrain Spatio-temporals parameters Data exchange Characteristics Hardware


Movia is a complete and evolutive software designed to capture and analyse videos and measures coming from sensors (EMG, forces, presssures, markers, …). Because it allows the simplest configurations containing only video to the more sophiticated that mix video and various sensors, it can be used to all needs of heaftcare personnals, scientists or ingeneers.
The integrated database of Movia simplifies the storage, searches, access and comparisons of the recordings. It can be located locally or on a distant server without any overcost, allowing a remote usage and this from many computers simultaneously. The most recent technologies from Microsoft (.Net, C#) were used for the development of Movia, which makes easier all evolutions and warrants the compatibility with current and future Windows versions.

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Thanks to its advanced ergonomics, Movia is user-friendly, very easy to use and quick to learn. Its ability to manage different configurations saves the user from having to learn and use several softwares and allows to group in one tool all the recordings related to a patient. It also includes online help where the user can find answers to all his questions.

This friendliness was not obtained at the expense of the functionalities and adaptation capabilities of the software. For instance, Movia includes a wizard allowing to define easily the configuration of the measurements to do. Movia also incorporates intuitive editors that can be used to define various views of the data captured (video, curves, graphs,...), in cases where the default views presented by Movia will not give plein staisfaction.

Movia includes a highly flexible feedback system allowing to monitor in real time the signals to capture and of course the video. This feedback mechanism can also be employed to present to the subjects informations during the expériments, like the forces vectors coming from platforms and overlayed to the video.
ecran généré par Movia
Main window of Movia displaying a test

Acquired data can now be processed and/or displayed on some graphics of different types (y=f(temps), y=f(x),...) and the videos in parallel. Cursors handled by the user allow to point a precise moment on the graphics and the videos, Movia guaranteeing permanently the correspondance between the displayed images and the moment pointed on the graphics. Movia also integrates tools to analyse videos that allow to zoom in and out, to make 2D measures on static images (angles, distances). .
Most views can be printed individually or by group to make reports. Movia also includes a tool to create screen videos in "One click" like the ones below.

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Movia is able to capture videos coming from several cameras simultaneously. Their number is limited only by the computer cappabilities (input count, processor). Different types are allowed (usb3 or  GigE cameras from Basler or Ids),  or any DirectShow compliant devices ( HD camcorders, cameras, webcam(*)).

When GenICam cmaeras from IDS are used with Movia, retro-reflective markers can be localized in 2D in real time. Their 2D trajectories and the kinegrams can be displayed in overlay of the video. Angles defined by the markers could be computed and displayed in graphs and also in overlay of the video.

At left, a video showing a gait analysis with 2 cameras at 100 Images/sec and 2D markers tracking, et right a comparison of the same test to a second without markers tracking

Comparison of 4 tests captured with high speed cameras

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Movia can capture simultaneously EMG signals from MobiEMG-WL or other EMG devices with analog outputs (Cometa, Delsys,...) connected to an analog/digital device from NI.
Movia can also capture signals of Trigno wireless sensors (EMG, inertial data, forces cells,...) with a Delsys Trigno system connected directely to a USB port.

Video of a gait analysis with MobiEMG-WL  with 4 EMG sensors, tri-axis accelerometers and 2 cameras at 100 Images/sec

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Analysis of the spatio-temporals parameters of GAIT

Movia can determine the Spatio Temporal Parameters (STPs) of gait using two inertial sensors, one put on each foot. The inertial data are transmitted in real time while the sensors trajectories and the STPs are computed automatically a posteriori. Then the results can be presented as tables, 3D views and various graphs. The beginning and end moments of the foot supports can be easily modified, Movia computing again automatically all the STPs; these can be compared to reference data that Movia allows to build.
Simultaneously to the capture of inertial datas used to the STPs computation, Movia can obviously capture videos as well as  other measurements like EMG or other inertial datas,...

Gait analysis done with inertial sensors and videos

Gait analysis done with inertial sensors videos and EMG

From the 3D coordinates of 1 or 2 markers by foot, Movia can compute the spatio-temporal parameters of gait like the gait main phases durations, the stride and step lengths, the opening angles (with 2 markers  by foot). The data required by this algorithm can be imported from any system able to capture the 3D coordinates of anatomical markers (Saga-3, Vicon, Qualysis,...) and to export them in C3D files which Movia then imports. All the processing is done entirely automatically.

Gait analyzed from data imported from a C3D file

Comparison of 2 gaits

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When Movia is used with GenICam cameras from Basler or Ids and forces platforms, the force vectors can be drawn over the videos in real time (feedback) as well as during the results display.

Video played 2 times slower of a gait analysis with 1 forces platform, MobiEMG-WL and 2 cameras at 100 Images/sec 

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Movia supports the wireless sensors from MicroStrain. Just connect a WSDA type reception station to a USB or serial port of a PC, position and configure the sensors so that Movia can use them similarly as any other sensors (forces platforms, EMG, ...). The synchronization between the different acquisition devices (Daq, MobiEMG-WL, vidéo) is accomplished by Movia.

Video of a gait analysis with MobiEMG-WL, 4 MicroStrain sensors and 2 cameras running at 100 Images/sec

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Movia is an open software containing many possibilities of impression, of data export and import under various forms. It can also import 3D data supplied by motion capture systems like SAGA-3RT, plantar pressure measurements (footscan) and temporal events (ProtoKinetics,...). External modules could easily be written (using Matlab, Excel, C/C++, .Net, ...) so that to increase the processing capabilities. These multiple techniques of data exchange constitute an efficient way to extend with no limits the possibilities of Movia and to answer to the demands of each user.

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  • local or remote Database without any supplementary fee
  • easy search into the database
  • simultaneous capture of unlimited number of video sources (usb2/3/GigE high speed cameras, camcorders, Webcams,…)
  • capture of 2D markers trajectories and 2D kinematic analysis
  • capture signals from sensors (EMG, forces platforms, analog sensors) via a DAQ acquisition device of National Instruments
  • capture of digital EMG signals from MobiEMG-WL, Delsys Trigno,...
  • overlay of forces vectors over video in real time when using forces platforms
  • quick capture configuration, thank to an integrated wizard
  • many display capabilities during the capture as well as result viewing, thanks to an intuitive views designer
  • integrated analysis software of the gait spatio-temporal parameters after import of kinematic data of 2 or 4 markers
  • comparison of tests even if contents are different
  • various printings and outputs (reports, individual views,...)
  • exportation of videos & data
  • importation & exportation of many definitions, presentations, configurations via XML
  • importation of tests created with CameraMix, Ivan, Saga-3, of C3D files, videos, footscan, od time events files
  • free reader

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  • PC under Windows 64 bits 10/8.1/8/7sp1
  • MobiEMG-WL (Bluetooth, 16 channels 2KHz, distance ~100m)
  • Trigno wireless sensors via a Delsys Trigno system connected to a USB port
  • A/D acquisition device from National Instruments (USB, PCIe, PCI, wifi)
  • unlimited number of video cameras:
    • Basler or Ids with USB2, USB3, GigEthernet interface
    • HD camcorder(1080p50/60) via HDMI capture device (PCIe cards, HDMI/USB3 converters)
    • DirectShow compliant devices (miniDV camcorder (FireWire), webcam, ...)

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